Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tut Tut It Looks Likes Rain

Dear Family and Friends,

This has been a pretty good week. Today is transfer day and for once
neither of us are moving! And good thing too cause I've been sick. I
am congested, have a runny nose, and all weak. If we had to moved
today I would die. Okay not really but I am soooo thankful neither of
us got transferred because I got to sleep!!!! I slept for about 2 1/2
hours! And I feel like I didn't sleep at all but I was out! Anyway....

This past week Monday...nothing too exciting happened. We both weren't
feeling the best so we slept then stayed in and worked on the area
book app putting in potential investigators.

Tuesday was a great day. We taught a 3 lessons and visited with a
sweet lady from the ward. We were walking away from an appointment
that wasn't at home and the bus pulled up to the stop and we walked
past but we saw someone waving at us and they screamed hi! So we
walled back and saw that it was one of our investigators and her
daughter. So we got on the bus and rode with her. We helped her get
her shopping bags back to her apartment then read from the Book of
Mormon with her. It's awesome to see that she is understanding what's
going on and paying attention.

On Wednesday we went to Arcadia to have interviews with president for
those that missed them last transfer so Sister M was able to
have hers. We were there waiting for quiet a while. But we taught two
lessons. We went on a tour with one of our investigators and then had
an awesome lesson about the plan of salvation with another
investigator. Turns out one of our investigators was a cage fighter
and she won lots if golds. She fought with UFC. And she wants to be
baptized so that's pretty awesome! She came to church and is reading
and praying and is really open.

On Thursday  we had an interesting district meeting and then taught a
good lesson about the Book of Mormon. Then we had another lesson with
a less active lady. She's super sweet. We then went to help out one of
the young women leaders get some decorations set up for the ward youth
camp fundraiser. The theme was Roundup so ewe were making a jail and
it turned out super cute!!! I am having pictures sent to me soon by
email...so I'll probably send them next week. But it was a lot of fun
to help her out!

On Friday it rained...an continued to rain for the next three days!
California really needed it, however, I guess there's been a lot of
mud slides. Not here in Claremont though. More in Glendora and Azusa
because of the fire a few months ago. Weird...that seems links just
yesterday. It's already march!!! Time files so fast! Luckily with the
rain we had weekly planning and a tour but it got cancelled...sadly.
So we planned more and then had dinner and a lesson and set a baptism
date for March 30. The other baptism date probably won't happen. And
we're hoping this one on the 30th will.

On Saturday we did more service to help set up for the fundraiser.
Then I finished my Facebook clean up after having to go through every
like and comment and post I've ever done...I now really don't like
Facebook and can't believe I wasted so much time on there! Never
Umm....oh yeah...we didn't teach any lessons on Saturday because no
one was home! It was raining and you'd figure people would be
home..nope. But we were waking outside (slightly sick but I bet it
didn't help to walk in the rain)  and we put our purses under our
jackets and I look like a pregnant lady. It was pretty funny. So I
decided to put my purse behind me like a turtle shell. I hope you like
the picture! But that night we went to the fundraiser for dinner and
some people brought friends. It was fun to have a good time with the
ward and talk to the members. This is an awesome ward. I hope to stay
here for a while!!

Sunday was pretty good. We had an awesome sacrament meeting. However,
I decided I needed to be a cry baby in it. One, the spirit was really
strong, two, I was tired and sick, three, one of the beloved sisters
in the ward passed away from cancer on Saturday morning so people were
talking about her and four, the closing song was till we meet again
which always makes me cry but I kept putting myself in the shoes of
all those who were close to the sister that passed away and how sad
that song is and how hard that would be. I guess I was just mourning
with those that mourn. But we had an investigator at church!! Yeah!
She sat with her fellowshipping family so she didn't see me being a
bawl baby! We had three lessons that day too. Two member present and a
less active. All together this week we taught 11 lessons! When we got
home and after we planned I crashed! I don't like being sick. There is
no time to be sick on a mission.

Today was good so far. Getting better and drinking lots of juice and
taking medicine and sleeping. We went grocery shopping and sister
bought a ukulele! It's fun!

Well I love you all and I just wanted to end with my testimony about
the atonement. I know that because of the atonement it is possible for
us to be forgiven of our sins and mistakes. It is possible for us to
live with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ again. However, it is
not easy. It isn't supposed to be easy. It was not a cheap experience
that Jesus Christ paid by sacrificing His life and suffering for every
pain and sorrow we feel in life, every single individual. The world is
not an overall happy place, there is so much sorrow and death and pain
and hatred. Jesus Christ paid the price that we can all have eternal
and endless happiness! Jesus Christ himself cannot explain how He felt
in the garden of Gethsemane. We have to act and do our part in order
to receive these blessings. It won't be easy but it is worth it. It is
worth it to suffer briefly in order to receive the blessings of
eternal life and happiness. And it is such a blessing to know that
because of Jesus Christ we can all be made clean of all our sins and
guilt. It is such a blessing that we have Him there also to help us
stay strong and bless us as we continue in His example. I am so
thankful for the blessings that our older brother Jesus Christ has
made possible because of the atonement. I am so thankful for this
church and the knowledge that I have to know that we can live together
with our families together as we are sealed in the temple. I want to
share this with everyone. I could not bear that my family members may
not be with me after this life because of the choices they've made. I
love my family so much that I want what is best for them, just as our
Heavenly Father wants what is best for us. This can only be through
Jesus Christ and the atonement and the blessings of the temple.

I hope everyone is doing well and thank you for all the love and
support and emails and letters!

Love, Sister Celeste Riches

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